Welcome! I'm Melanie & I sell fabric through my online shop, Modern Organic Fabrics. This journal shares my inspiration and projects, both sewing & non-sewing, as well as shop updates.  

New Fabric!

My Happy Nursery


Herbal-Dyed Fabric





Coming Soon!


Expected: December :: Beach Mod by Monaluna

Expected: October :: Handloom Shirting


Expected: November :: Marine by Dan Stiles

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Entries by Melanie O (206)


Creating ...

Creative projects we're working on:

Painting paper pink. We realized we didn't have any pink paper to make Valentine's cards for classmates, so we painted some cardstock. Over the next week we'll cut the paper, glue on hearts made from newsprint, write classmates names on them and sign them.

Randomly drawing circles and coloring the overlapping shapes. A project started by my 4-year-old all on her own.

Making a tunic top.

What are you working on?


Friday Inspiration Board: Denim, Jersey & Flannel

Today's inspiration boards are based on 3 new fabrics in the shop:  

Light Weight Denim in Indigo, Hemp / Certified Organic Cotton blend. I see it paired perfectly with ModKid Sewing Patterns: Sophie Pants and/or Sydney Hoodie. Or, Hot Scott Bermuda Shorts for boys. 

Storm in Grey and White, hemp / certified organic cotton blend, knit jersey fabric, light-medium weight. I'd love to see it made up as the Brassy Apple Bunchy Scarf or the Pullover Top by Kwik Sew.

Charcoal Plaid light weight flannel, 100% certified organic cotton. Would look great as a scarf (tutorial here), a snuggly stuffed animal (like Poppy and Her Puppies by Audrey & Maude) or substituted for the wool in projects in the Linen, Cotton, Wool book.   


Valentine's Sewing



Beautiful organic cotton fabric from Westfalenstoffe and Harmony Art, perfect for Valentine's sewing projects.


Looking for a project?

:: Heart-Shaped Pot Holders from Martha Stewart (way cuter than you think!)

:: Heart Sachets from CraftStylish

:: Be Still My Heart quilt block from Tallgrass Prairie Studio

:: Happy Hearts quilt block from Project Linus (pdf)


All fabric above (and more pinks & reds!) can be found in the shop.


Pattern Review: Julia Skirt in Westfalenstoffe Organic Fabrics

I made this gorgeous skirt for my 2-year-old daughter using Westfalenstoffe organic cotton fabrics. The pattern is the Julia skirt by Patty Young for ModKid Sewing Patterns.

  Perfectly puffy, my little girl never wants to take it off! Westfalenstoffe fabrics are high-quality, medium-weight fabrics which hold their shape superbly.

And, the pattern! So easy to follow, it makes you feel like a pro! The skirt looks so professional when finished. I wouldn't recommend the skirt to an absolute beginner, but certainly if you've sewn one or two items before, you should be able to make this skirt.

The pattern is like a little book, with full color photos and diagrams. The steps are so easy to follow. No getting lost (that happens to me a lot when sewing patterns - did I do that step?)

The most difficult parts: lots of gathering (BUT, the gathers are really tight, so it's easier to make them even), sewing the three layers together (2 skirts and waistband), and, very importantly, keeping the waistband from twisting when sewing the three layers together. I didn't heed the warning in the pattern the first time and had to whip out the dreaded seam ripper. The second time around I kept one hand under the layers on the waistband to keep it from bunching up.

 Both the Julia sewing pattern and Westfalenstoffe fabrics can be found in the shop.


Dear Friends

If you read this Journal in a feed reader, please bear with me while I sort out some feed issues.