Help Me Decide: Herbal-Dyed Fabric
Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 6:00AM
Melanie O

Many of you expressed interest in herbal-dyed fabrics in the little survey I sent out a few weeks ago. You also seem to love bright colors. Well, herbal-dyed fabrics have a very limited color palette and bright is not in the vocabulary. Also, color-fastness is not great with the darker colors (but excellent with medium and lighter colors). Knowing that, would you still purchase herbal-dyed fabrics?

So, help me decide! Here are some options I'm considering stocking in the shop. Please note that I do not have to order them according to the sets I've made up here. The first set are shirting weight, handloom and fairtrade. The other sets are poplin, similar to quilting weight. All are 100% certified organic (certified organic fabrics do have provisions for fairtrade as well).

Note: The colors are solid with no washed out parts. The quality of my photo swatches is poor. The colors are correct, though.

Let me know: what do you like? I'd love specifics!

Article originally appeared on Modern Organic Fabrics (
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