Tomatillos (and some tomatoes and a pumpkin)

For those wondering what a "ripe" tomatillo looks like, look no further. My first post on this blog featured the delicate-looking "lanterns" of the first tomatillos and here they are ready to be picked. Below is a bowl of picked tomatillos ready to be cooked and made into salsa (also a few more tomatoes from my paltry harvest this year).
Below, my pumpkin is finally turning orange. I really thought I was going to have to make do with a green pumpkin this year, but I just needed some patience!


Reader Comments (3)
Your garden looks amazing! I love eating tomatillo salsa. Mmmm.
You have a lovely blog. I love the tomatillos. Beautiful colours too!
Hi! I just came across your blog whilst looking for a visual of what a ripe tomatillo looks like. We grew them in the garden this year thinking to make salsa, but the two plants I have are so full, I don't know what I will do with all of the extras! I am hoping to grouse up some good canning, freezing or meal recipes to at least preserve some of them. Anyway, I also had no idea what a ripe one would look like ( I think mine are still not ripe, they certainly aren't bursting through their husks yet, so I guess I have a little more time to figure out what on earth I am going to do with all of them!). I appreciate the pics, you captured them beautifully! ~ Red