Project Imrov - 2nd block (or 1st?)

I completed another block for my Project Imrov quilt. I decided to challenge myself by using all patterns and no white. I also added yellow to the color palette because this fabric was screaming to me from my stash that it belonged with these reds and blues. I am very pleased with the result! Now I'm wondering if it will work with the first block... It could, I have to think about which direction the quilt will take and if it will follow one block or the other or will incorporate both.

Reader Comments (5)
Vintage-y sweet!
wonderful...again, i love these fabrics and how you combined them. i can't decide which one i like best, but i would love to see a whole quilt with a bunch of these.
that is really great!
i like them both.
I think you can use them together.. and if you decided to do more variations of color placement, you could use those too... it's all good!
I like the contrast.
I think you could do alternate blocks like these two for the whole quilt. One mostly white, next mostly color. They would balance each other out nicely.