Beautiful Gifts

I'm very late on posting this (I'll blame it on The Fabric Shopper!) Here are some gifts received (and given) for Christmas!
Handmade (or homemade?) calendars given by us to family. I took pictures the girls had made throughout the year, scanned them into the computer to clean them up (and color them, in some instances) and put them into a calendar template I made. (I have a Mac and used all freeware applications from the web - Gimp (is like Photoshop) for the pictures and OpenOffice (like MicroSoft Office) for the calendars. I printed them on cardstock (2 to a page), cut them with a box cutter, cut the corners with a nifty corner cutter found in the scrapbooking section of JoAnn's (bought with a nice 50% off coupon!), punched holes in the corners and added a keyring.
Beautiful Gifts Received:
A hand-knited washcloth.
Handmade ABC books using family (and blog!) photos.
A lovely, non-plastic, reusuable water bottle.
Orange (!) measuring bowls.
Memory game.
Charley Harper flashcards/floor puzzle.

Reader Comments (1)
How beautiful is the October page! Well done on Fabric Shopper what a cool cool surprise!