Welcome! I'm Melanie & I sell fabric through my online shop, Modern Organic Fabrics. This journal shares my inspiration and projects, both sewing & non-sewing, as well as shop updates.  

New Fabric!

My Happy Nursery


Herbal-Dyed Fabric





Coming Soon!


Expected: December :: Beach Mod by Monaluna

Expected: October :: Handloom Shirting


Expected: November :: Marine by Dan Stiles

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« Happy Monday on Tuesday Giveaway ! | Main | Thanksgiving Weekend Sale! »

Winner: Monaluna Teal Half Yard Set

Congratulations to Christina:

That's a snappy pair of prints. My thoughts immediately went to 'pillowcase' when I saw them which is funny since I've never sewn one or felt the need to do so... until now.

Magazines -- do Ottobre and Burda count? Other than those, the only other I buy is the occasional 'Stitch' though I've been known to read 'Threads' in the library if there's a technique on the cover that catches my eye.


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Reader Comments (1)

Oooh, an early present -- thanks Melanie! I guess I better start looking up pillowcase patterns.

November 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchristina

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