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« Inspiration: Organic Cotton Dresses | Main | Happy Monday »

Sewing Pattern Review: Schoolhouse Tunic by Sew Liberated


I made myself a shirt! The Schoolhouse Tunic by Sew Liberated, to be exact. I paired it with a lightweight plaid flannel from my shop (which, by the way, is now sold out). I was a bit unsure about using this fabric because it is, well, a bit blanket-ish. However, following my own guidelines for Successful Sewing with Patterns, I chose a fabric that I would wear. I love plaid and I wear a lot of grey and black. Flannel is wonderful for where I live since we won't really see warm weather until mid-May. Furthermore, flannel shirts are nice on cool summer evenings as well. OK, enough justifying!

The pattern was very easy to follow and came together quickly. I wouldn't recommend it for an absolute beginner, but easy enough after you've made a few other things (ahem, skirt or apron!) Most challenging: putting in the sleeves and the box pleats.

I have to agree with this review that the pattern calls for gathering the sleeves before attaching them, but they fit perfectly without the gathering. I had no problem with them at all.

My biggest challenge was the pleats, more so because of my inexperience than any problem with the pattern. Not having the pleats completely together where they meet the bodice will make the tunic look like a maternity shirt. Not a look I need to be sporting right now. I had a lot of trouble trying to keep the pleats together and eventually ended up tacking them together with a bit of hand sewing. Now it's perfect!

Also, I originally thought I'd make the dress length, but found it to be too long when I tried it on before hemming. I'm 5'2" and I felt like the dress was taking over, possibly due to my choice of fabric. I marked the length I liked with a safety pin, cut away the excess fabric and hemmed.

I'd love to make another one in a more spring-like fabric. And I will. After I make all the other million things I want to make. Or maybe sooner ...

Schoolhouse Tunic by Sew Liberated pattern can be found in the shop.


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Reader Comments (2)

You look so much taller than 5'2" :-) It's an adorable tunic! I'm wondering how it would look on my chest that is a cliff LOL! Think I will have to try it out ~ usually if I just make the bodice longer than called for it all works out in the end :-) ((hugs)) rosie

February 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosie/the fabric shopper

Adorable!! I love the tunic length -- and the gray flannel! (I, too, wear a lot of gray. Must be the weather around here!)

Might have to try that pattern out!

February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie

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